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Blond Eckbert
Vancouver Opera's
Yulanda M Faris Young Artist Showcase...
Blond Eckbert is an opera by Scottish composer Judith Weir. The composer wrote the English-language libretto herself, basing it on the cryptic supernatural short story Der blonde Eckbert by the German Romantic writer Ludwig Tieck. This production was of her one act 'pocket' version of the work, which uses chamber forces rather than the full orchestra.
Conducted by Leslie Dala
Directed by Amanda Testini
Production Design by Jennifer Stewart
Stage Management by Michelle Harrison
Repetiteur Amy Seulky Lee
Blond Eckbert Luka Kawabata
Berthe Hillary Tufford
Walter/Hugo/Old Woman Ian Cleary
A Bird Jonelle Sills
photos by Charlie Gallant

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